Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
The nose is one of, if not the, most prominent facial feature. Centrally-located and crucial for facial profile and symmetry, the size and shape of your nose can have a dramatic effect on your overall appearance. The most common solution to any nasal imperfection is a surgical rhinoplasty, but this is an expensive and extreme route to take. A Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty at The Chandos House Clinic is a less-invasive, less-expensive route to achieve your dream nose and perfect profile without surgery.
Treatment FAQs
A Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty, or Nose Reshaping, involves use of Hyaluronic Acid based Dermal Fillers, which are injected at specific points around the nose. The filler location and quantity depend on the desired outcome.
This treatment is perfect for small asymmetrical nasal defects occurring naturally or resulting from surgery. This can include:
- filling in dents.
- smoothing deformities on the nasal ridge.
- correcting asymmetrical cartilage deficiency or excess.
- creating the illusion of a 'lifted' nasal tip.
- improving the angle of the frontonasal suture (where frontal and nasal bones meet).
A Liquid Nose Job usually takes no longer than half an hour
and results can be seen immediately. A topical anaesthetic is applied to the
area first before Hyaluronic Acid fillers are injected with a small needle to minimize bruising and swelling.
A second treatment session may be required after a few weeks. See 'How many treatment sessions will I need?' for more details.
The Hyaluronic Acid fillers typically include added anaesthetic, making the treatment relatively pain-free. If required, topical anaesthetic can be applied to the area before treatment for increased comfort.
Injecting Hyaluronic Acid filler into the nasal area carries a higher risk of accidental vascular obstruction due to the thickness of the skin and volume of blood vessels in that area. As such, non-surgical nose reshaping is an advanced Dermal Filler technique and should only be performed by highly experienced medical practitioners like Dr Sebagh's team at The Chandos House Clinic.
In order to minimise the risk of vascular obstruction, the amount of filler which can be injected into the nasal area in a single session is limited. As such, a second treatment session may be required to achieve the desired effect.
The amount of swelling that occurs after non-surgical rhinoplasty is minimal so results can be seen immediately. Please note, that final results may only be visible after the second treatment session (if required).
There is little to no downtime after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty with most patients able to resume their daily activities immediately after treatment.
For 24 hours following treatment it is recommended that you avoid strenuous exercise, UV exposure, saunas as well as alcohol.
It is recommended that you limit the use of glasses or sunglasses after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty for at least 2 weeks following treatment. This is due to the fact that the weight of the frames may affect the placement of the filler before it has completely settled. You should also avoid sleeping on your front during this time.